Andriejewna Maria Grigoriewna


Bomasz Leja
Borowska Wanda Amelia
Brewda Alina
Brudkowska Aglajda née Rzeszowska

After several days at the camp, (…) I was recruited by the camp hospital personnel to work in my profession, but in reality it had very little to do with actual medicine. The sanitary conditions were appalling, there were no medicines or dressings available, which really put our skills as doctors to a test when trying to provide the patients with relative peace, warmth or the ability to lie down rather than stand for hours on end during roll-calls or do backbreaking work. It meant a lot. Besides, we had a chance to help – at least for a while – the elderly, the less resilient, the young. We hired fifteen and sixteen-year-old girls as nurses and they performed their duties with commendable devotion and enthusiasm.

— Aglajda Brudkowska, MD

On the fourth day of the Jewish Uprising, April 22, 1943, I was sent to Lublin to the so-called Luftschutzplatz in a transport of maybe 2,000 people captured at the ghetto. From there, after 8 days of selection and distribution of the prisoners to the camps in Treblinka, Trawniki, Poniatowa and at Majdanek, I was sent to Majdanek where I stayed until September 22, 1943. At the time, I ran the malarial disease block – for Greek women, and I was also the chief gynecology surgeon for the entire Majdanek infirmary.

— Alina Brewda, MD


Cetnarowicz Halina
Czernichow Luba


Ferszt Fajga
Folman Maryla née Orzeł


Giebartowska Eugenia
Globus Anna
Grigoriewna Maria
Grodzieńska-Dubrow Maria née Tylko
Grodzińska Irena


Łuczak Jadwiga


Marder Maria
Mins Salomea


Najburzanka (Najbużanska)
Narkiewicz-Jodko Hanna
Niedek Anna Jadwiga
Nieszczyńska Antonina
Nikoforowa Antonina Aleksandrowna


Pawlenko Nadia
Perzanowska Stefania
Plutecka-Levitoux Irena


Rubin Irena


Simbircewa Lidia


Trojanowicz Tatjana


Waleria s.
Wdowińska Józefa
Wdowińska Antonina née Berger


Żeńczykowska Daromiła

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04. Female infirmary