“Doctors in Prison Uniforms. Medical Service at Majdanek”


Maria Ciesielska, Marta Grudzińska

proof reading:

Ewa Matłaszewska


Witold Wojtaszko

Graphic design:

Izabela Tomasiewicz

Photographs and documents:

State Museum at Majdanek

Archives of the University of Warsaw (AUW)

Yad Vashem Archives (AYV)

Prof. Mieczysław Michałowicz  Centre for the Education of Social Workers in  Skarżysko-Kamienna (CKPSS)

Private collections of Ewa Chmielarz-Sztaba, Maciej Narkiewicz-Jodko, Ewa Jaworska-Broughton

Izabela Tomasiewicz (PMM)